Privilege Doesn’t Exist, Apparently

Privilege is a horrible thing, especially when it is used to silence others. What is Privilege? Well its when someone has a social advantage over another due to any number of reasons. For example, because I am white, in Western countries I have a social advantage over those that aren’t thanks to the slight Racism that is still far too common in our society. It could mean that I am hired for a job over an African despite the fact that they are better for the job. Its unfortunately not something I have control over, but I can control whether I use my own Privileges against others. I can do this by listening to others, especially when they are talking about things that do not personally affect me, such as Racism. However if I told them to stop talking because I felt that it didn’t need to be addressed that would be me using my Privilege to silence them. I avoid option number two, but not everyone does.
Unfortunately this has meant on a couple of occasions I have had to deal with people who like to silence others. My most recent encounter was when I commented on this video. The video is fine, even a little funny, however a couple of the comments I did not like. Firstly was one admitting to hating the phrase “Check your Privilege” which was replied by someone saying they were “more a fan of ‘Rape Culture'” which I originally though was a joke towards enjoying Rape Culture but now believe it was someone claiming that Rape Culture does not exist as well.
After a brief too and fro between myself and several commenters I decided to end with a link to the recent Blurred Lines: The New Battle of the Sexes documentary by the BBC (It may still be one BBC I-Player). I am disgusted by the fact that this sort of thin still goes on, and that those that use it also claim it doesn’t exist. It doesn’t just happen between horrible people online either, the real world is rife with it too. I can’t recommend reading this page, but its exactly what I am talking about. Its scary to think that beliefs like this are commonplace with certain political groups, mainly conservatives like the U.S.A Republicans or Britain’s BNP and UKIP. If and when these groups come into power it can only spell dread for those who do not fall into their neat little idea of how the world works. Privilege most certainly exists, I know most of mine, and understand there may be a few that I don’t know about. Unfortunately some people don’t and refuse to acknowledge it which leads to a horrible world for those of use on the wrong side of their privilege.